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Dr Karen Massey  403-390-1815


Ph.D. Educational Psychology, Counselling, University of Alberta. Researched “How Helping Professionals Learn about Hope.”

Master of Education, Counselling Psychology, University of Alberta. Researched hope.

Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, University of Calgary

I also have some incomplete degrees:
Bachelor of Commerce, University of Calgary, incomplete because I relocated to Ottawa.
Masters in Public Administration, Carleton University, Ottawa, incomplete because I relocated to Edmonton.
Masters in Adult Education in Adult Learning, incomplete because I switched to a Masters in Counselling Psychology.

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2007 to 2009 Wrote a monthly newspaper article about a psychological issue
2007 Hope and the Health Professions,” Journal of Allied Health, co-author.
2000 Terminally ill need all options available. Edmonton Journal, Nov. 2, A15.
1998 Hope in the Helping Relationship. Hope Foundation of Alberta, Edmonton.
1998 Clients’ Hope after Counselling. Hope News, 11, 3, Hope Foundation.

Presentations & Seminars

2006 “Finding your Hope” Banded Peak Middle School, Alberta.
2003 Hope in the Helping Relationship. Hope Foundation of Alberta, Edmonton.
2001 Hope as a transpersonal concept. Transpersonal Interest Group, Edmonton.
2001 Students’ hope at the end of counselling. Student Counselling Services, Edmonton, Alberta.
1999 Students’ hope in counselling. Canadian Guidance and Counselling Association Annual Conference, Calgary AB.
1972-1997 Planned and delivered many presentations, training sessions and conferences in large organizations as a Human Resources Manager/Specialist.

Professional Experience

2005 to present Private practise, Registered Counselling Psychologist
2004 Pain Clinic, Calgary, Counselling and Educational Assessments.
2003 The Family Centre, Edmonton. Parenting, teenage and children’s assessments for Child Welfare.
2002 Millard Health Pain Clinic, Edmonton, Counselling and Educational Assessments.
1999 Family Community Support Services, Leduc, Counselling individuals, couples and families
1997-2002 University of Alberta, Counselling individuals, couples and families
1997-2002 University of Alberta, practicum placements at The Cross Cancer Institute, Alberta Hospital, and the University of Alberta’s Student Counselling Services.
1999-2001 University of Alberta, Teaching Assistant for the Family Counselling Course. Seminar leader for Introductory Educational Psychology Courses.
1972-1997 Human Resources Manager and Human Resources Consultant for large organizations serving locations throughout Alberta and across Canada.

Volunteer Experience

2012-present: Host Family Constellation groups facilitated by Dr. Shannon Zaychuk. 2006-2010 Host weekly yoga sessions. 2006-2011 Host special community events such as David Hickey”s Crystal Bowls/Tibetan Gongs, Drumming, Goddess. 2006 Help with the Springbank High School Challenge Days for students. 2005-2007 Assistant Soccer Coach. 2001-2004 As a Reiki Master, Assist in Level I and II Reiki Training for groups.
1998-2002 Coordinator, Edmonton Transpersonal Psychology Interest Group.
1994-1996 President, Board of Directors, Canada Place Child Care Society
1983-1990 Achieved highest designation of Distinguished Toastmaster. Founded the Confidence Builders Toastmaster Club.


Hope Research Scholarship, 2000
Dr. Herbert Goba Scholarship, 2000
Hope Research Scholarship, 1998


Psychologists’ Association of Alberta
College of Alberta Psychologists’
Alberta Clinical Hypnosis Society
C. G. Jung Society of Calgary
Canadian EMDR Association
American EMDR Association

Additional Training

2015 The Alberta CBT & DBT Clinical Skills Conference
2015 Healing the Angry and Violent Brain: the Neuroscience of Anger, Aggression and Domestic Violence from Ronald Potter-Efron
2015 Pre and Perinatal Residential Intensive from Myrna Martin
2015 Affect Regulation Toolbox: Practical interventions to Manage Emotions, Calm Anxiety through Clinical Hypnosis from Carolyn Daitch
2014 Canada’s 5th Annual premier Psychotherapy Conference: Healing and treating trauma, addictions & related Disorders
2014 Hypnotherapy with Advanced Chronic Health Conditions in Palliative Care with Dr. Dan Handel
2014 EMDR with Depression & Mixed Bag from Robin Shapiro
2014 10 Best Ever Anxiety & Depression Management Techniques from Margaret Wehrenberg
2014 Thomas Moore “The Tradition of Natural Magic.”
2014 Thomas Moore ” A Religion of One’s Own.”
2014 Innovations in Trauma Therapy, on line training with 12 experts in trauma, eg. Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, Dr. Peter Levine.
2013 Advanced Clinical Applications with the DSM 5, Dr. Michael Zwiers.
2013 DSM 5: Changes and Implications for Practice, Dr. Michael Zwiers.
2013 2013 EMDR Canada Conference “Integrating Brain and Body”
2013 Engaging Traumatized Clients who Avoid Attachment, Closeness, and Painful Feelings, Dr. Robert Muller.
2013 Dr. Michael Yapko “Treating Depression Strategically: The power of Experiential Learning in Teaching Mood Regulation Skills
2012 Theta Healing “Game of Life,” Claudia Pitsch
2012 International Conference on Treating Complex Developmental Trauma Disorders: Integrating EMDR and the Theory of Structural Dissociation, Jim Knipe, Kathleen Martin, Roger Solomon, Kathy Steele
2012 Finding your Stillpoint: basic craniosacral therapy for stress management, Robert Harris
2012 Naturopathic Approaches for the Adrenal Glands and Stress, Dr. Christine Perkins
2012 Celebrating Men and Marriage, Alison Armstrong, PAX
2012 Celebrating Women: Regarding Ecstasy & Power-The Queen Workshop, Alison Armstrong’s PAX
2012 Celebrating Men and Sex, Alison Armstong’s PAX
2012 Celebrating Men, Satisfying Women, Cindy Sawatzky representing Alison Armstrong’s PAX
2011 Advanced EMDR: Reprocessing Early Trauma and Neglect, Katie O’Shea
2011 Celebrating Women, Understanding Men Introduction, Cindy Sawatzky representing Alison Armstong’s PAX
2011 Mark Wolynn & Shannon Zaychuk, Family Constellation levels 4 & 5
2011 Body Focused Workshop, Dr. Shannon Zaychuk & Sally Devereux
2011 Theta Healing DNA 3, Vianna Stibal
2011 Theta Healing Weight Revolution, Sarah Faith Vainstein
2011 Theta Healing Manifesting & Abundance, Eric Brummet
2011 Theta Healing Diseases & Disorders (2 weeks), Eric Brummet
2010 Theta Healing Intuitive Anatomy (3 weeks), Eric Brummet
2010 Mark Wolynn & Shannon Zaychuk, Family Constellation training level s 1 to 3 (12 days)
2010 Advanced Workshop Brief Ego-State Hypnotherapy for Trauma (PTSD), Arreed Barabasz, Ciara Christensen, John Watkins
2010 New Advances in Trauma Treatment, Drs. Briere & Courtois
2010 Gottman Couples Counselling Level II
2010 Theta Healing: Accessing and healing dysfunctional core beliefs. 3 Courses- Basic, Advanced, & Empowerment & Enlightenment, Kathryn Hill
2009 Healing and Treating Addiction Problems. Drs. Gabor Mate, Claudia Black, Scott Miller
2009 Gottman Couples counselling training Level I
2009 German New Medicine, Dr. Carolyn Markowich, completed all 4 Levels
2008 Sneh Victoria Schnebel, Family Constellation training, Bellingham, Washington
2007 Bert Hellinger, Family Constellation training, Austria
2007 Mark Wolynn, Family Constellation training in Trauma
2006/07/08 Family and Human Relations Constellation, Francesca Boring
2006 Introduction to Imago, couples therapy-a new way to love
2006 Family and Human Relations Constellation, Daan van Kampenhauf,
2006 Family and Human Relations Constellation, Francesca Boring
2006 Trauma and the Body: Integrating Cognitive and Somatic Approaches in the Treatment of Trauma, Dr. Bessel van der Kolk.
2005 Effective Approaches to Understanding and Treating Anxiety Disorders
2005 ADHD in Adults
2004 Dr. Doyle Gentry, Being Anger-free
2002 Emotion Focused therapy
2002 Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing Level 2
2001 Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing Level 1
2001 Voice Dialogue, Self-Psychology
2001 Advanced Hypnosis
1999 Comprehensive Treatment of Panic Disorder
1998 Introduction to Hypnosis, Dr. Banff AB
1998 Betrayal, Trust & Forgiveness: Therapeutic Approaches, Dr. Beth Hedva, Calgary AB
1998 Transpersonal Psychology, Dr. Beth Hedva, Calgary, AB
1997 Solution focused counselling
1995 Level III Qi Gong
1994 Shamanic Journeying
1990-1993 Landmark Worldwide self-expression and leadership training

Areas of Interest in Psychotherapy

  • Fundamental premise is helping individuals and couples change, and create new possibilities in the directions they want to go.
  • Trauma: recognized/Tendered as an expert witness in the Alberta Provincial Court, Family and Youth Division, in Counselling Psychology in Trauma work.
  • Report Writing for counselling clients requesting to go on Disability,  or taking legal action such as for a Motor Vehicle Accident
  • Couples and Relationship Therapy
  • Abuse
  • Depression
  • Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Hoarding
  • Anger/Emotional Pain Self Esteem, Confidence Building
  • Stress & relaxation
  • Sleep
  • Pre and peri Natal
  • Life transitions such as illness, divorce, job change, death and dying.


Spirituality, Qi Gong. Making Hope Visible, Kundalini Yoga, Golf, dogs, walking, snowshoeing.

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